Belief Versus Behavior

This is a blog post that was stolen by my cyber stalker from Google. She used my personal information to convince them that she was me .. To date, she still tells the world that she owns the blog and my writing. This is what she does and her behavior. It is okay; she simply cannot help herself. She calls me "Hortence" in her writings in order to try and not violate an injunction against her. Except From CandidCanda .. Your beliefs don't make you a better person, your behavior does .. Just because a belief is a belief that is sufficient enough for you to feel strong about, it does not mean that everyone around you will receive it. Think about all of the times that you have experienced in your life in which some people just refused to hear or try to understand what a person was saying that made absolute logical sense because they were more than likely thinking irrationally. Thank you, dear stalker and bully, I am grateful that you will l...