Overcoming Bad Behavior

I love watching the sunrise. Our world is covered in snow and the sun’s rays glitter across the beautiful fields and colors our surroundings. It warms my heart and brightens my day! This past week has been a week of realization and courage. I have had to downplay my thoughts that this is not a world of second changes. Whatever mistakes that one makes far reach more than the successes. The mistakes travel far and reaching like a snowball gaining speed on a downhill travel. Facts are exaggerated, revenge is stated, and the stories become as large as the snowball gaining speed on its downward spiral. Why are there people who wish to squelch one’s desire to move ahead, improve emotionally and intellectually? Jealously, revenge, self-betrayal? I was taunted to move ahead in my career and I did. Yet, a coward decided to contact my new employment and degrade me to my superiors. Of course, anonymous is a t...