
Showing posts from May, 2022

Loving the Enemy

  There are two reasons for us to love our enemies. One is simply because God said to, but the other is because God loved us first. If I post something that my stalker feels relates to her on Facebook, within a few moments, she is posting it to her Facebook. So, who is really stalking who? I am not sure that admiration is the word of the day, but my court case is. The post that she failed to share is the judgment that she owes to my husband and I for her past negative behavior, stalking, and defamation. AND I do not want to know all of her profiles, but it is a good pattern to show the court her mental state and what she is a capable of. Her profile is blocked to me, and I am grateful to an impartial friend that can provide me with her antics and posts. My husband and I have a permanent injunction that forbids her to contact us, she was instructed to remove all negative posts from the internet in regard to me (which she has not done and in contempt of a court proceeding), A...


The parable of the lost sheep explains, in terms that ordinary people of the time could understand, how the ‘good shepherd’ worries over the loss of a single sheep and rejoices when that single sheep is found. God, says Jesus, cares and is worried about each one of us. When we lose our way, God will not abandon us even though family members and friends will. He would keep reminding us, through the goodness of others around us, that there is a better way to lead our lives. For Christians, this goodness comes through volunteers and groups of the faithful who engage in daily prayer, and I am grateful for those who I pray for, pray for me, and pray with me. Nowadays, it is easy to side with anyone who tells us that by associating with ‘wicked people’ we are being wicked ourselves (even though we have skeletons not yet revealed). The meaning is simple yet profound: lost humans need a loving, personal Savior. Jesus taught this lesson three times in succession to drive home His meaning. Go...