No One Owns Me

No one owns me! Those who try to control other people are neither nice or respectful. Controlling people are self-centered and immature. They want to hinder you leading a fulfilling, independent life. With the easiness of hiding behind a computer screen, they want to demean and control how persons feel about you. Our stalker/cyber bully writes in her recent post that " I OWN YOU! I have the control. I OWN YOU... I'll always be better than you." Of course, she is referring to me. Of course, she is unraveling in her words. Better than me? This is not a competition; we have two separate lives and we have different value systems. At least, I have admitted my shortcomings and making great strides to better myself; academically, professionally, and personally. One has to examine a stalker's behavior. Her internet posts are public. There is no expectation of privacy. Believe me, no one goes out of thei...