Return to Self Worth

Self-worth is how you value yourself. It’s not based on what others think of you or the things you have (or haven’t) accomplished; it comes from within. But it’s easy to forget that our worth isn’t determined by outside forces.

How we measure our worth affects the kind of life we live.  This has become profound in the events of my life over the past three months.  I would have never thought to be where I am now if I hadn't decided to reinvent how I feel about myself.  I had allowed others to demean and make me feel less than worthy because of mistakes and how they perceived my life should be.  Numbers no longer determine my value.  Places no longer determine my value.  Religion no longer determines my value.

It is important to manifest in my own lane.  It is important to begin to care for yourself first and then extend as much as you can but not too much!  I have a to-do list which captures priority and I can cross off what is less important and perhaps not crucial to my well-being.  My God, my husband, my children, my home, my education, and my employment are exactly prioritized in that order.  I am learning that grades are not as important as dedication and integrity.

Do not allow others to berate you for past mistakes.  The mistakes were made, amends were made, and don't look back.  I have allowed this behavior against me for far too long and I have others who insist on still stalking and gossiping.  Allow them.  They are only showing that they are insecure in their own worth.

In the last month, I have shed more weight, no more stress headaches, I have closed the circle of close friends, and I am enjoying my hobbies.  I no longer have to work two employments after being chosen to work for an incredible company with an amazing salary!  I learned that when I pulled in, increasing exercise, eating healthy, sleeping more hours, and put beautiful changes into our home and properties, my days began to change.  

Become selfish!  Find your own self worth!  It is the time ...  Love becoming what you want to be ...

This is my official blog. My other site by this same name was pirated by a woman named #AnnetteKaye Bedwell, #AnnetteKayeCasady, #AnnetteKayeReynolds, #AnnetteKayeKruse, #MistyDawn, #RedBedwell (she is known many alias' and is in possession and uses all personal information owned by me).

To date, she has refused to return my site and blog back to me.
Copyright @2022 by www.CandidCandaSpeaks

All rights reserved. This blog or any portion thereof may not be printed, copied, reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or similar cited with author's name and copyright.


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