Savor the Sacred Gathering


Don’t let the good stuff go unsaid.

Here’s why: Next year, your Thanksgiving may look completely different and there might not be as many chairs.

Loved ones get sick.

Loved ones get old.

Loved ones move away.

So, this year savor the sacred gathering. Share. Forgive, Remember. Beacause you can’t see the changes and surprises ahead.

But you have this time.

But you have these people.

But you have this day.

Say the thing your heart feels.

Say the things their heart needs.

Say the thing their heart needs.

Because Thanksgiving is here. And we’ll never have another one like it ..



That is a beautiful statement of what should be. It was for me. There is satisfaction in the husband, children, and home. I was able to be blessed with all three. This is my world and I am proud that I am a part of it. Yes, the neighbor across the way received Thanksgiving supper and leftovers to keep her for the week. A loved one that could not be at our table but loved nevertheless. This year, I have learned that family is not blood but those who love to be with you.

This year, I have learned gratitude. For my fortitude. For my perseverance. For my care. For truth revealed. For courage exposed. For strength displayed.

This is my official blog. My other site by this same name was pirated by a woman named #AnnetteKaye Bedwell, #AnnetteKayeCasady, #AnnetteKayeReynolds, #AnnetteKayeKruse, #MistyDawn, #RedBedwell (she is known many alias' and is in possession and uses all personal information owned by me).

To date, she has refused to return my site and blog back to me.
Copyright @2022 by www.CandidCandaSpeaks

All rights reserved. This blog or any portion thereof may not be printed, copied, reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or similar cited with author's name and copyright.


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