
Showing posts from January, 2022

Journal Post 10 Joy in My Day

  Joy comes in many ways! A snowflake, a puppy kiss, the sweet smell of our horses eating their hay, and my husband's kisses! The crunch of snow and bacon with breakfast. I have seen too many dark days, yet I have also seen the goodness of God and His hand at work even in the worst circumstances. I can promise you; joy does come in the morning. I felt that when I was completing legal papers this morning. I have waited many years for this moment. John Gill tells us: "alluding to the time when all nature is fresh and gay, when man rises cheerful from his rest, darkness removes, light breaks forth, and the sun rises and sheds its beams, and everything looks pleasant and delightful; moreover, the mercies of God are new every morning, which cause joy, and call for thankfulness; and especially it is a time of joy after weeping and darkness, when the sun of righteousness arises with healing in his wings; as it will be to perfection in the resurrection morn, when the dead in Chris...

Journal Post 9 Public Facade

  I read the funniest statement ... It happened to come through on my LinkedIn profile that I was updating. I am sure everyone is aware that it is easy to see who has looked at your profile. Lo and BEHOLD, there she was! My woman stalker! I didn't see it at first; a friend that was with me did and she was laughing so hard, she could barely point it out to me! ... AND JOHNNY SAYS HELLO ... On a professional page! How tacky is that! Little does she know that my husband was investigating Johnny long before her delusional interference. I am sure she would be surprised on the outcome was of the investigation. Some time ago, a woman who lives in her area mentioned how she posted everything about her lovers, how many she had, and how they still adored her! We laughed over supper! If she was so adored, why isn't she with anyone of them, living alone in shabby conditions! Where is her man that loves her so deeply that he would care for her, be a spiritual helpmate, and make h...

Journal Post 8 Resilience

  During this pandemic, I’ve read many ridiculous articles about how resilience means “bouncing through” our obstacles as though riding out a pandemic is life on a trampoline. These 'Band-Aids' of advice do nothing to encourage people to look for the deep healing they will need if they truly want to be resilient. To say we bounce back from adversity implies we 'ping back and forth' until we return to the person we were before. But once we find ourselves on solid ground after experiencing a crisis, we know that we are different. We have been through something significant; we’ve seen battle and have survived. We have the scars to prove it. We don’t bounce back; we move through. For me, and in my situation, moving through is the best I can do at times. Resilience is the ability to adapt to our circumstances. When creatures adapt to their environment, it’s because they can leave something behind as well as learn something new. In short, they change. We’ve seen a lot of ...